Reframing Equity In Organizations: Accelerating and Sustaining Change

Equity drives impact. Inequity erodes it.

We reframe equity as ongoing liberatory change, where an ever-increasing number of people thrive as who they understand themselves to be and behave in ways that make it possible for others to thrive.  

When that kind of change is happening, everyone associated with the organization is more engaged, employees are more effective, and retention is strong. More attention and energy is focused on accomplishing the mission.

Punitive policy and practice, a focus on changing beliefs, and mandated training are not enough to accelerate and sustain change.  At worst, they drive resistance.

Our work focuses on changing behavior and experience, designing and tending to systems that ensure and protect change.

Our approach drives change on relational and systemic levels and builds the capacity to sustain it.

We work with you to build and sustain a system where compassion leads to action, curiosity inspires change, and accountability ensures sustained progress.

What We Do

Reframe Equity for Your Unique Mission

  • We lead you through a process to understand equity in terms of your specific mission, community, and promise.

Teach Practical Skills for Sustaining Equity

  • We teach individual practices, and systems building and tending skills that drive and sustain change.

Ongoing Support

  • We continue to support your organization after the initial work is done, as  it adapts to the ever-changing landscape of equity

Services Include:

  • Assessment and collaborative change strategy design.

  • Liberatory systems design.

  • Thoughtful, active learning opportunities, including:

    • Personal Liberatory Practice.

    • Guardrails for Liberatory Systems.

    • Building and Tending a Liberatory System.

    • Custom learning for specific organizational needs.

  • Individual and small group coaching.

  • Leadership and board consultation.

  • Ongoing responsive resources.

Contact ILI Director Lucinda Garthwaite to learn
how to Reframe Equity in your organization: